Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Target Killer Opening Secrets about MQM Altaf Group

Target Killer Opening Secrets about MQM Altaf Group, these exclusive news is daily coming in Pakistan media, but government is taking no serious action against them, target killing is now a part of life in Karachi, MQM Altaf group is the one, involve in street crimes, but so called democrate governmen tof Pakistan ignoring all law and order situation in Karachi for the sympathy of their government. It is very shocking that criminals are telling in investigation for the upcoming planning, but there seems no action from governement, Bloody MQM Altaf group is still a part of government. It is the need of peace to start a grand operation against MQM Altaf Group and their street crimes, massacre and riots, It is now confirmed that MQM Altaf Groups is actually the root disorders in the city
This is an exclusive details about MQM Altaf group terrorist and target killer Agha Hasan, who has been captured by forces last day from Karachi, he tells many secrets about MQM Stretegies about to tackle other political parties to maintain their hold in the city. Agha Hasan Killed many innocents including police force too, he has above than 100 murders charge on him, the most wanted criminal who was also running target killing network in different areas of Karachi. Please read and must share with your friends in the sympathy of peace in the region.
The important thing which is noticeable about this story that this has also been published in a leading news paper of Pakistan and quite unbiased and based upon realities, and also present in Karachi police department's record.


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