Friday, October 28, 2011

Massacre by Syrian Forces - 30 Killed Salat-ul-Jumah

Massacre by Syrian Forces - 30 Killed Salat-ul-Jumah, according to news resources from syria, thre were thousands in the rally against governement in syrian capital and other cities, forces used straight fires from heavy machine guns to dismiss the rebels and their protest.
Head of Syrian observatory for human rights, Rami Abdur Rahman tells media that, forces killed a large number of people with heavy machine guns, this is one of the face of crimes by syrian government.
On the other hand, Turkey, Syrian neighbour is supporting rebels of Syria, according to them, this is quite unacceptable to dismiss the pretest by killing through straight firing. Turkey manage camps at border for the rabels and immigrants of Syria. One of the syrian army colonel rank officer, Raadul Asad is also in the rebels camp, he tells world and Turkish media that, they will fight till the end of Basharul Asad government. Syrian revolutionsts are very hopeful for the change like Tunisia, Egypt and Libya at the moment.


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