Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gilad Shalit Finally Released - Exclusive Report

Hamas finally release Gilad Shalit, a zionist soldier who has been arrested by Hamas in 2006, Hamas is an armed leading movement of the freedom of Palestine, they dont want to see Israel in any sence, accrding to them, Israel caputures their land illegally, and due to this they are fighting and wants to free their land from Israeli Occupation.
According to available news resources directly from Tel Aviv, Israel release a large number of Palestinians from his jails against only man, Arab defence circles are categorising this as Hamas victory. Israel will release 550 more prisoners in coming November 2011.
Hamas Chief, Khalid Mishal is going to Sham to warm welcome prisoners, there is an arrangement of bigger welcome party is going on in Ghaza for the upcoming prisoners.
Gilad Shalit tells media in a short interview that he was so afraid in the prison of Hamas, he seemed fresh and healthy in this interview to an official egyptian news channel. He has finally reached Israel through Til Nov Air Base, where a doctors' team will checkup him after that he will be able to meet his loveones in his home.
Israeli officials seems very sad on this exchange including PM Yahoo, Accrding to Mossad spokesman, this exchange is impacting positive from Hamas point of view, and world feels that this is one more victory of Hamas.


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