Monday, October 31, 2011

Israel Violated Peace Contract Once Again

Bombing On Ghaza By Israel once again - 12 Killed in 3 Days, the point to be noted in this that, this is happen after the after some hours of peace contract with Palestine in the presence of egyptian arbitration. This is what, just an example of an extreme state terrorism. Because without any proof, there is a chain of continuous air strikes with heavy bombing from Israel. Where is UN and its so called Security Council?
The result is also coming in different styles, An arab religious scholar Mr. Auzul Qarni announced a reward of 0.10 Million USD for those who kidnap israeli people or soldier to control israeli occupation and contractual violations. If the kidnap is not the ethical way to get achievements, but in this scenario, where Israel is not accepting any thing even basic human rights, so this is the better suggestion to control this bullshits for the peace.


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