Wednesday, February 29, 2012

US Political Threats - Sometimes in a Form of Warnings

Washington: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned Pakistan on Thursday that they would face serious consequences if they continued to deal with Tehran because Obama administration is moving swiftly to impose tough new sanctions on Iran amid concerns in Congress that the White House will not be aggressive enough in cracking down on financial institutions that do business with Tehran's Central Bank.

"What we are intending to do is to ratchet up these sanctions as hard and fast as we can, follow what's going on inside Iran, which seems to be a lot of economic pressures that we think does have an impact on decision-making," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Clinton said Pakistan was going to agreement with Iran while the US has planned to sanction and this was really against US policy.

She further said that if Pakistan deal with Iran so it would be very destructive for Pakistan amid series economic plight. Clinton said the administration and Congress were on the same page regarding Iran and sanctions.


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