Friday, February 24, 2012

Torching of Holy Quran Expresses the Frustration of US and Nato

Siege of Nato Headquarter and US Embassy in Afghanistan, and is shockingly in the Kabul, which seemed quite liberal before the recent incident of torching of holy Quran by US Forces in Afghanistan on Bagram Air Base, Kabul is burning at the moment but nobody is coming to calm down it, US is silent after an informal statement of sorry which people of Afghanistan has been rejected. There is also no voice from UN.


This incident has so many aspects strategically, this is fact that US is still so far from his achievements after spending 10 years in Afghanistan, Nato seems also failure, because no any troop wants to come out from his barrack to control recent situation, this is not because they are busy with some other tasks, but because of the fear of death, militants are easily moving hither and thither, and doing what they want, there seems no writ of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan.


Hikmatyar ordered their people to not to stop the attacks on US and Nato forces in his recent statement, one of Pakistani News Paper has also published his statement in today's publication, this is what? Why US is making the world fool in the name of war against terror, while he himself and his Nato is trapped in this fear. US and NATO's achievements seems quite useless and zero because Karzai government calls Afghan Army to control this situation, 15 has been dead after a massive collision between protestors and Afghan Army.


Resources tells the media that people were dangerously in anger after the joint pray of jumah, they siege US Embassy after that, and when Afghan forces come to control them, protestors started stoning heavily. And they further demand foreign forces to leave Afghanistan at once.


In several media reports, it is openly seems that people of Hizb-e-Islami and Taliban elements are forcing Afghan people to come out and protest against foreign existence in the recent torching of holy Quran incident context. It means that US and Nato could not hurt Taliban militants yet. They are continuously growing day by day. If this is fact, so US and Nato should stop their useless efforts in the name of war. They should come to dialogue for the settlement and stability of the peace in the region and immediately try to develop the policy to withdrawal from the region, because US is just going to the way to bankruptcy, he is still assuming himself a superpower, while his powers is doing nothing for him.


Torching of Holy book Quran is nothing but the expression of US and Nato's frustration, US and Nato should immediately condemn the responsible bodies and should take the strong action, because everyone knows that the Holy Quran is the book of almighty, what do you want to express after burning and torching of this book? Do you want to punish him? Or do you want to take revenge? You and infect nobody can do nothing against him, Think deeply...


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