Wednesday, February 29, 2012

US Political Threats - Sometimes in a Form of Warnings

Washington: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned Pakistan on Thursday that they would face serious consequences if they continued to deal with Tehran because Obama administration is moving swiftly to impose tough new sanctions on Iran amid concerns in Congress that the White House will not be aggressive enough in cracking down on financial institutions that do business with Tehran's Central Bank.

"What we are intending to do is to ratchet up these sanctions as hard and fast as we can, follow what's going on inside Iran, which seems to be a lot of economic pressures that we think does have an impact on decision-making," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Clinton said Pakistan was going to agreement with Iran while the US has planned to sanction and this was really against US policy.

She further said that if Pakistan deal with Iran so it would be very destructive for Pakistan amid series economic plight. Clinton said the administration and Congress were on the same page regarding Iran and sanctions.


Windows 8 - Microsoft New Operating System

London: Microsoft has let consumers start trying out its upcoming touch-based Windows 8 operating system, which aims to power a new wave of computer tablets and traditional PCs designed to counter Apple's big gains in the market through its Macs and iPads.

The test 'beta' version of the revamped system was introduced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the planet's largest cell phone trade show, and borrows some of the look of Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 software for Windows 8.

Windows 8 doesn't have the traditional "Start" menu, and applications are spread across a mosaic of tiles in a design Microsoft calls 'Metro' — seen as an attempt by the company as a scramble to preserve its market share. And executives said it powers up on PCs in eight seconds, much faster than the previous version.

Windows Store

Microsoft is also opening an Internet "Windows Store" where users can download applications for the operating system, but only if they have Windows 8. Applications are free for those testing out the beta version, but would include both free and paid versions after the operating system is released.

The test version was downloaded by people from more than 70 countries as Microsoft gave its presentation about Windows 8, but the company didn't immediately disclose the number of downloads. The software can be downloaded at

Apple is also moving features from its iPhone and iPad software over to its Mac software. That trend will be particularly visible in Mountain Lion, the new Mac operating system that's expected to be released this summer.

Windows 8 will also be the first Microsoft software in a long time besides its cell phone software that will run on non-Intel style processors. The company is developing a version that will run on phone-style chips, such as those used in the iPad.

If Windows 8 is a hit, it could help struggling PC makers, including Hewlett-Packard Co. and Dell Inc. Besides giving businesses and consumers a reason to consider new PC purchases, Windows 8 is expected to spawn a new breed of hybrid machines that will be part tablet computer and part laptop like the device that Sinofsky demonstrated.

If Windows 8 is a flop, however, it will increase the pressure on Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. His 12-year reign has been marred by the company's troubles adapting to an Internet-driven upheaval. As Microsoft has stumbled, faster-innovating companies such as Apple and Google have elbowed their way into a position to steer the direction of computing for the next decade or two.

Windows 8 is radically different from its predecessors, with its tiles that provide a glimpse at the activity occurring in applications connected to the Web, such as email. The system also is expected to enable users to easily back up their pictures, movies, music and other files on a Microsoft storage service called SkyDrive, which will compete against Apple's iCloud.

Windows 8 could inspire more PC makers to design machines that combine the convenience of tablets with the utility of a notebook computer. These devices would be similar to the so-called "ultrabook" computers that offer a Windows-based version of Apple's lightweight MacBook Air machines.

Once Windows 8 is available, the ultrabook line could be expanded to include machines equipped with a screen that swivels off the keyboard to take advantage of the system's touch controls and provide a tablet-like experience.


PCB Chief is Resigning Today from Board

Direct From Lahore: Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chief Selector, Mohammed Ilyas would resign from his post today , sources tell on Thursday.

The sources said that Mr. Ilyas, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chief Selector had decided to resign from his post due to humiliating defeat in ODI and T20 and against England and meddling of PCB in the affairs of selection players. The sources further said that Ilyas would give his resignation in the meeting of governing board on Thursday that is today.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Israel Iran Controversy and Growing Up Missile Programs

With tensions between Israel and Iran running sky high over the latter's nuclear program, U.S. officials and military analysts are growing increasingly concerned that Israel will launch a multi-phase air and missile attack that could trigger waves of retaliatory missile strikes from Tehran. 

Such a shootout could quickly spiral into a regional conflict that would potentially force the U.S. to intervene to protect its interests.

The emerging consensus among current and former U.S. officials and other experts interviewed by NBC News is that that an Israeli attack would be a multi-faceted assault on key Iranian nuclear installations, involving strikes by both warplanes and missiles. It could also include targeted attacks by Israeli special operations forces and possibly even the use of massive explosives-laden drones, they say. 

The Iranian response to such an attack is uncertain, but many experts and officials believe it is likely to include retaliatory missile strikes. Iran has more missiles in its arsenal than Israel, according to some estimates, and has the capability of striking targets in most Israeli population centers. 
"I think that it would strike Iran as a reasonable response, an eye for an eye," said Christopher J Ferrero, a professor of diplomacy at Seton Hall University in New Jersey and an expert on Middle East missile forces.
He also said Iran would likely attack major cities with its Shahab 3 missiles, which he said are not as accurate as the Israeli missiles, but would be an effective "instrument of terror … that could certainly cause significant damage to heavily populated suburban and urban areas." 

Israel possesses advanced anti-missile defenses, but those systems could be overwhelmed if Tehran launched large numbers of missiles, as Ferrero expects.  

Given the immense difficulties in carrying out successful air strikes on the four key Iranian installations using its warplanes alone -- as laid out last week by the New York Times, U.S. officials say Israel would be likely to coordinate such airstrikes with waves of missiles. This would greatly increase the chances of penetrating fortifications that Iran has built to protect some of its key installations and overwhelm Iran's air defenses, said the former and current U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity. 

"Two words:  Jericho missiles," said one former White House and Pentagon official, speaking on condition of anonymity, when asked how Israel would attack Iranian targets at great distances. "They are conventionally armed, have a very small CEP (circular error of probability, meaning they are highly accurate) and can be used in conjunction with a strike fighter operation." 

Israel has as many as 100 Jericho ballistic missiles – both short- and medium-range – as well as submarine-launched cruise missiles, though the officials say they believe the latter are unlikely to be used. The short-range Jericho I missiles would be of no use in an attack on Iran, because the targets are far beyond its 300-mile range. However, the  medium-range Jericho II's are capable of  hitting targets as far as 900 miles away – or as far east as Tehran. Israel also tested a Jericho III intercontinental ballistic missile in 2008 and Israeli media have reported that it may have deployed one or more of the weapons, which would put all of Iran within reach.

The missiles would most likely be launched from the Hirbat Zekharyah missile range, midway between Israel and the Mediterranean Coast, according to "Critical Mass: the Dangerous Race for Superweapons in a Fragmenting World," by William E. Burrows and Robert Windrem, and various Israeli press reports. 

Although designed to be part of Israel's nuclear deterrent force, the Jerichos can be equipped with high explosives as well as nuclear warheads. U.S. officials have said that an Israeli attack, if it happens, would be intended to surgically take out the nuclear facilities, not inflict the mass casualties that would result from a nuclear attack.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Torching of Holy Quran Expresses the Frustration of US and Nato

Siege of Nato Headquarter and US Embassy in Afghanistan, and is shockingly in the Kabul, which seemed quite liberal before the recent incident of torching of holy Quran by US Forces in Afghanistan on Bagram Air Base, Kabul is burning at the moment but nobody is coming to calm down it, US is silent after an informal statement of sorry which people of Afghanistan has been rejected. There is also no voice from UN.


This incident has so many aspects strategically, this is fact that US is still so far from his achievements after spending 10 years in Afghanistan, Nato seems also failure, because no any troop wants to come out from his barrack to control recent situation, this is not because they are busy with some other tasks, but because of the fear of death, militants are easily moving hither and thither, and doing what they want, there seems no writ of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan.


Hikmatyar ordered their people to not to stop the attacks on US and Nato forces in his recent statement, one of Pakistani News Paper has also published his statement in today's publication, this is what? Why US is making the world fool in the name of war against terror, while he himself and his Nato is trapped in this fear. US and NATO's achievements seems quite useless and zero because Karzai government calls Afghan Army to control this situation, 15 has been dead after a massive collision between protestors and Afghan Army.


Resources tells the media that people were dangerously in anger after the joint pray of jumah, they siege US Embassy after that, and when Afghan forces come to control them, protestors started stoning heavily. And they further demand foreign forces to leave Afghanistan at once.


In several media reports, it is openly seems that people of Hizb-e-Islami and Taliban elements are forcing Afghan people to come out and protest against foreign existence in the recent torching of holy Quran incident context. It means that US and Nato could not hurt Taliban militants yet. They are continuously growing day by day. If this is fact, so US and Nato should stop their useless efforts in the name of war. They should come to dialogue for the settlement and stability of the peace in the region and immediately try to develop the policy to withdrawal from the region, because US is just going to the way to bankruptcy, he is still assuming himself a superpower, while his powers is doing nothing for him.


Torching of Holy book Quran is nothing but the expression of US and Nato's frustration, US and Nato should immediately condemn the responsible bodies and should take the strong action, because everyone knows that the Holy Quran is the book of almighty, what do you want to express after burning and torching of this book? Do you want to punish him? Or do you want to take revenge? You and infect nobody can do nothing against him, Think deeply...


People is Missing Taliban in Kabul - Quran Burning Issue is Burning Kabol

Protest against Burning of Quran by US forces is coming on Peak, Afghan people are continuously on roads since 30 hours, 12 has been died also in these protests which is going in different territories of Afghanistan. According to confirm resources US forces burned more than 100 books of Holy Quran last day in Bagram Airbase, Muslim workers on the base leaked the shocking news, and after that people are continuously in anger.
At the moment, General Allen has been apologized regarding this incident, but people and leaders of Afghanistan is not accepting this apology, they want all responsible of this incident to kill. According to them there is no capacity to forget this issue after informal and useless US apology.
On the other hand, the wave of protest has been entered in Pakistan from his neighborhood, yesterday five massive protest recorded in five different cities of Pakistan from different school of thoughts, US is himself creating difficulties for their forces to stay in the region, there is no sense for this type of creating unethical issues while you are sitting not in your home, may be US is creating the the solid reason to go back home.

The position is damn critical in Afghanistan, US closed his embassy in Kabul for the security reasons after seeing strong protests in Kabul, and the shocking thing is status of Kabul which was quite secular and liberal before this incident, everyone is in shock after seeing protests from secular elements, because they are supporting a fundamentalist approach and slogan at this time, people of Kabul is missing Taliban government, because "Long Live Taliban" is only the slogan which media is listening from them.

US should not to interfere in religious issues of Afghanistan and Islam, because this is the only thing which Afghanistan people love so much, US should strongly replace and kick out extremist elements from NATO and US forces, because they are creating difficulties for his existence. If US will not taking them seriously, then the aims of war against terror would not be achieved.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Strong Protests in Pakistan on Quran Torching Issue by US Forces

Protest in Pakistan Against Quran Torching Issue by US, five recent protests has been recorded in five different cities of Pakistan by Islami Jamiat Talaba, Jamiat Talaba Arabia and Pasban against Quran Torching Issue, created by US Forces in Afghanistan.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

100 Books of Holy Quran torched by US Forces in Bagram Air Base

A massive attack on Bagram Attack noticed last day by Afghan people, According to news resources US Forces in Afghanistan torched more thatn 100 books of Holy Quran in Bagram Air Base, Afghan colligues of US Armed forces leaked this shocking news, after that thousands of people came out, and attacked on Bagram Air Base, for the proof, we are publishing recent pictures, it ihas also been published in leading news papers of Pakistan.
Karzai is hopeful and want Pakistan's co-operation to solve this unexpected matter, according to a news paper, General Allen of Nato has unformally said sorry on this incident which seems intentional yet according to Afghan people, who are in extreme anger. General Allen further agreed to investigate this incident on immediate basis.
US is getting just muslims' hate and hostility by these types of incident, US should know that, they are in Afghanistan, the mouth of death, this mouth has been eaten Russia in the past who was also a massive power of this world.


Afaq Ka Lashkar - Allah-o-Akbar - Chalking in Karachi

MQM Afaq Chalking in Karachi with famous slogan of Afaq Ka Lashkar Allah-u-Akbar in saveral areas of Karachi, there is anxiety among MQM Altaf circles after seing this chalking in saveral areas of Karachi, it seems MQM Afaq is coming back. This is a danger sign for MQM Altaf.


Difa-e-Pakistan Counsil in Islamabad - Massive Protest

Difa-e-Pakistan Council is a new born alliance of Islamic movements of Pakistan, Such as Jamat-e-Islami, Jamat-ud-Dawa, Ansar-al-Ummah, Jamiat Ulama-e-Pakistan, Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamat, and so many more. There are more than 12 major names of Pakistan political and Islamic parties, this alliance is non political yet, but it is continuously working on political issues of Pakistan, Some parties in this alliance is ban at the moment by the government of Pakistan because of their militancy. But every one can feel the 'no rule environment' in Pakistan, government is itself useless, infect it is involve in coruption, and surviving for their government stability, institutions are fighting with each other, there is an echo of collision everywhere, due to this, centre is too much weak and seems without his writ.
This is the political background of Pakistan politics at the moment, where every one is waiting for the announcement of upcoming elections. DPC is also uniting political parties on their platform, although it is non political yet, but seems quite powerful and massive yet, If compare with MMA (Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal), and 9 Sitara Ittihad from past.
DPC is gathering millions of crowd in their gatherings on different issues, Aabparah protest at front of Parliment is also the continuety of their strategy. In this protest, 3 leaders of DPC banned by government, but they gather thousands of people at aabparah for the protest on the issues of, Missing persons, to stop the Drone attacks by US in Pakistan, to clean the networks of RAW, FBI and Black Water Influences, to not to declare India as a favorite nation and many more.
There is a similarity between Imran Khan's PTI and DPC, Imran Khan is uniting bigger names of Pakistan politics under their flag, while DPC is working on bigger canvas, they are uniting different political parties on their platform, both are successful rite yet. If DPC becomes political before upcoming elections, so they can easily take more than 35 - 38 percent seats in National Assembley of Pakistan without any effort, and obviously they will fight and will launch their campaign for the election, as they have experienced political parties in it, so they can take 45 - 48 seats.
At the same time Imran Khan is also working on almost same issues which DPC have at the moment, so there is a chance to see a joint government of PTI and DPC in future. so lets see.. whose next..


Monday, February 20, 2012

PAC Kamra's iPad with Android OS - Cheapest and Durable

PAC iPad 1 - As you are seing a file photo above which is recently published in a leading news paper of Pakistan. This is the creativity of Pakistan's engineers from the institution of Pakistan Aeronatical Complex located in Kamrah, this institution is basically researching and working on defence system, weapons and military. But after seeing this creativity, it seems that Engineers in Kamrah is working on some other projects also in their extra time, this is highly apreciable as it can take the nation high in the ground of IT.
The noticeable thing is the price which is less than $200, if we compare this price with Apple's iPad so it almost below the half, PAC uses android operating system, which is developed by Google Inc. and is available free of cost in the market.


Altaf Speech and Singing During Namaz Timings

Women Gathering in Bagh-e-Jinah by MQM Altaf was a very good experience if happened in a non islamic territory, it was actually a concert where every type of music available, actually it was not a political gathering but a concert, MQM supreme leader altaf himself sing a song in this event.
Actually mqm altaf was so upset because of back to back huge gatherings, 1st by PTI, Second by JUI, and largest by a new born islamic alliance (Difa-e-Pakistan Council), all three have themes to do their gathering, for example PTI was came up on the issue of missing people and coruption which is really an issue in Pakistan these days, JUI (F) was to came for the defence of the upcoming challenges to the Islam, Defa-e-Pakistan Council was there on the issues of Coruption, Inflation, to stop the US Influence and Nato Supplies from Pakistani territory, Empowerment of judiciary, and to defend the Islam by present challenges, if we see all this senario with a careful look so we would observe that all are the issues of Pakistan, which have to solve for the stability of the country.
But empowerment of women, what non sence, yes MQM gather women from all over the Karachi on repression basis, women from different areas tells us that MQM Altaf ordered them to come on time and not to go home before the program ended. This behavior is it self the the kidnaping of the basic rights
MQM Altaf forcely gather ladies from all over the karachi for their gathering, just to show off the power, because power equilibrium was disturb after three giant political gatherings in Karachi, This MQM Women Gathering was just for to show the power to opponents.
This is also the fact that Islam and Pakistan constitution is providing all the basic rights to every women in Pakistan, If we talk about the Islam, so it is the best shelter for every women of the world, because before Islam Woman is nothing just an animal, Islam come and save the women, this is not a hidden fact, and there was no need to gather people and waste their time on useless issue.
Behind the Door
This is proved that MQM Altaf is terrorist organizaion who is continuously breaking and challenging the government's writ. Their back door relationship with RAW is not new, this gathering may be for the diverting of the focuss on reall issues which has been written above in bold. There has so many questions come up after this so called women gathering:
1. Has Women Rights been achived by this Women Dance?
2. Dance Parties and Concerts - Are these the only way to Empower the Women?
3. Is Altaf Hussain a Sensible Human Being?
It is the important to bring in the knowledge of reader that Pakistan is an Islamic country and Islam is the trade mark of Pakistan, Dance Parties and Musical Concerts are quite prohibited and Unethical in Islamic and Pakistani Constitution. If MQM is bipassing laws of the country so why government is not taking serious action against them? This Street Terrorist Mafia should be ban for the peace.


Friday, February 3, 2012

MS Dhoni Talking in Prize Distribution Ceremony

MS Dhoni Talking in Prize Distribution Ceremony, In the start of the match, Australia won the toss and selected to bat first, they gave a big target to India, but this time India chase very well just like professionals, and finally they got the victory over Australia, if we look deeply so Australian Cricket Board sends the team which is Team B, the baby team of Australia. India's victory over them is not a massive success, but Australian Team B's performance was really an amazing to discuss and to congratulate.

See the smile on Australian captain face, according to him, they got experience that how to tackle world champions.


India Win by 8 Wickets - T 20 Defeat Overview against Australia

India Win by 8 Wickets - T 20 Defeat Overview against Australia ◦
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