Sunday, March 4, 2012

Silence of Muslim World - Torching of Quran Issue

Torching of the holy Quran - US is Not Ready to Declare it Crime, Although it is a crime, and concealing of crime is itself a crime, US is basically covering his frustrated criminal elements in his force, this behavior is not suitable for those who is working on a bigger canvas of war against terror.

According to Google, the definition of Crime is "
An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law" In this law, state and its constitution is supreme, but when we talk about states, and infect Islam is the religion of more than 60 states of the world, so it is very important here to respect the values of states internationally..

The holy Quran is the 4th holy book of almighty, and is miraculously in its original form, this is the fact which everyone knows like 2+2=4. This book is not only for Muslims, but for rest of mankind also, the way of dignity and the light of success. What US had tried to show by torching this book, not only single but more than 100 books? This is highly objectionable and questionable, because US government is not in the mood to punish responsible people, This worst behavior of US is hurting 2 Billions of Muslims of the world, they want a solid and reasonable answer, and if US has not an answer so he must punish responsible elements of this incident immediately, and formally say sorry to Muslim world.

It is also noticeable that there is no any excuse, if you say "I didn't Knew That" after done a job who comes in the definition of crime, and this is not a new thing, every constitution of the world would reject this excuse. So crime is crime, whether done deliberately or non deliberately. if somebody done an objectionable job, he must face the law. US should immediately punish responsible elements of this incident or fulfill what Muslim world want in this regard, US find out 5 names yet, and all five belongs to US forces.

There are several Muslim countries also in US alliance regarding war against terror, but US is not respecting their values, this "torching of Quran" incident is not new, Terry Jones, A US citizen and Father of a US church has also done this, US has also been giving shelters to blasphemers of Muhammad PBUH in the past, this is what? Why US is covering criminals? There seems lack of US sincerity with Muslims. US should decide that whether he is sincere with his motive, his friends or not? and of-course US is failure to do so. All his policies and acts are continuously going against the Islamic world, US soldiers, People, judiciary, even his forces seems quite against Islam and its values, and US is still not taking any interest to fix it. So Muslim countries should change their policy and think that where they are going? and What they are doing?


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