Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sexual Abusive Case - Pop will take Retirement Soon

Sexual Abusive Case - Pop will take Retirement Soon, Accrding to an article published in a leading news paper of Pakistan, Pop is feeling not good on the question related to sexual abusive cases of church, Paper published a detailed article in this regard, according to this, European and US church official advicing pop to take retirement and go out from back doors, but Vatican is quite denying all sexual threatening and abuse charges on church, what actually the story behind this, coming gradually out by different ways and people, according to those children who are victims of these cases (now coming adult) are still dissatisfied about the church. After seeing all this worst condition and in the sympathy of church, it is expected that pop will take old age banefit in the start of second quarter of next year, according to western officials retirement would be smart excuse fot the church in the good will.
Sexual absusive cases and Church, both are two different end points of a line, it is a horrible question mark on church ethics, pop's retirement is not the solution, church has to face it and satisfied those who are mudslinging on church. This idea seems better than retirement, because silence or surrender means you are accepting something with shame. Retirement can impact badly on preachings and further propagation of christianity also. We are publishing the analysis of Ummat News Paper regarding this issue, which they published in the publication of last day.


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